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Juego del Trilionário

IQ Test : Christmas Games for Verbal Analysis (en Inglés)

Solve 10 questions in a row to reach one "thrillion" dollars! You are allowed 3 hints/clues per game.

Answer the following True/False questions on a fun Christmas theme to test your verbal skills.
Formatos Quiz Revisión
Múltiple elección

Q = million $
1 = 2000
2 = 4000
3 = 8000
4 = 16000
5 = 32000
6 = 64000
7 = 125,000
8 = 250,000
9 = 500,000
10 = 1,000,000
When the words COAT, CARD, BAKE, and TREE are written one below the other, the word CAKE is formed diagonally from left to right.



Pregunta 1 of 10

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